
Diagnostic Biosystems organized a brief Demonstration Workshop on IHC in association with League Against Cancer Hospital, Honduras.

HighLighter™ Installation & Validation

HighLighter™ Installation & Validation
PATOLAB, San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

IHC Workshop – DIY (Do- It- Yourself or Diagnose- It- Yourself)

Yet again Diagnostic BioSystems organized the DIY (Do- It- Yourself or Diagnose- It- Yourself) Workshop in association with MS Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore. The idea behind the DIY Worksop was to provide basic training to the aspiring pathologists so that they can perform IHC and learn the basic troubleshooting steps.

Webinar on Immunohistochemistry in Surgical Pathology

IHC Workshop

Diagnostic BioSystems HANDS ON IHC WORKSHOP 2

Montage Opus365™ Installation & Validation

Training the future with IHC

Diagnostic Biosystems organized a brief training program on IHC in association with the following Hospitals and Diagnostic centers in Bolivia and Mexico.

Citopat Laboratory, Bolivia

Cytopathological Diagnostic Center Cochabamba, Bolivia

DIME Laboratory, Mexico

HISTOPAT Laboratory, Bolivia

Hospital de Cancerología, IMSS, CDMX, Mexico

Hospital Oncológico, Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Laboratorio EXAMEDIC, Bolivia

National Institute of Pediatrics, Mexico

Oncology Hospital, Bolivia

SKG International