Montage DAB GoneTM removes diaminobenzidine (DAB) stains and precipitate from surfaces. Contamination with DAB residue can be a problem that may affect staining quality or automated immunohistochemistry stainers. Bleach will only reduce the color intensity of DAB stains, whereas,Montage DAB GoneTM removes the residual DAB stain that may clog instrument probes and tubing. This kit can also be used to clean glassware and other labware used in the lab that has been exposed to DAB and has retained DAB stains even after normal cleaning. It chemically reacts with DAB to inactivate the carcinogenic properties.
This kit has been designed to clean DAB from Diagnostic BioSystems MontageTM 360. This kit can also be used with instruments such as: BioCare NemesisTM, intelliPATHTM, Dako Autostainer, Autostainer Plus, Autostainer Plus Link, Lab Vision AutostainerTM 360, 480, and 720 models.
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